This month’s gemstone spotlight is on Amethyst, one of the most sought-after gemstones in the jewellery industry
May 06 2015 0 Comments Tags: amethyst, birthstone, buying, cut, February, gemological, gemstone, information, price, properties, purple, sources, value
Historically, Amethyst was considered more valuable than Sapphires or Rubies and was valued on par with diamonds. This stunning gemstone was highly coveted by royals, including Russian Empress Catherine the Great, and often featured in Bishop’s rings.
However, after significant discoveries in South America, particularly in Brazil during the 19th century, Amethyst's rarity—and consequently, its price—decreased, making it more accessible. A notable example is the Amethyst bracelet of Queen Charlotte of England, a famous piece of jewellery from the early 18th century. Valued at 2,000 pounds sterling at the time, it was worth only 100 pounds 200 years later.
In modern times, Amethyst continues to hold its place in the jewellery industry as the most commercially significant gem-quality quartz variety.
Here is some fascinating information I've gathered about this beautiful purple stone. I hope you enjoy it!"
Identifying Amethysts
Amethysts Gemological Properties:
Amethyst is the violet-purple variety of the Quartz family (SiO2) and it is the most precious and valuable stone from it.
Chemical: SiO2 - Silicon dioxide
Formation: Pegmatite dikes and hydrothermal environments
Crystal System: Trigonal
Crystal Habitat: 6-sided prism ending in 6-sided pyramid
Hardness: 7 on the Mohs scale
Unusual Properties: None. Possible formations like ametrine
Refractive Index: 1.544 - 1.553
Density: 2.65
Transparency: Transparent to semi-translucent
Luster: Vitreous / glossy
Amethyst Origin and Gemstone Sources:
Amethysts are likely to be discovered in lining agate almonds and druses in igneous rocks. In 1900, the largest almond was discovered in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul and South America became the main producer of this gem in the world. It is known that a great number of Agates in Brazil and Uruguay contain Amethyst crystals.
Amethysts are also found in abundance in the state of Minas Gerais, where Gemstones Brazil was born! In our state it occurs in big Geodes inside volcanic rocks. In the country, you can also dig up amethysts in the states: Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso, Espirito Santo, Bahia, and Ceará.
The third most important exporter in the world is Madagascar following by South Korea, Austria, Russia (famous for it’s magnificent colours), South India, Zambia, United States (Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maine, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan) and in the Canadian provinces of Ontario (largest amethyst mine in North America) and Nova Scotia.
Over hundred of years, amethysts were adored, specially by Queens and Princess ...
Alexandra of Denmark, Queen consort of King Edward VII, wearing her Amethyst Tiar
Queen Mary's Amethyst Parure
Queen Sonje's Amethyst Parure worn by HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway
This set of amethysts was originally owned by Napoleons first wife, Empress Josphine. She left it to her son, Eugne de Beauharnais, whose daughter, Josephine of Leuchtenberg, became queen of Sweden. The younger Josephine brought a treasure trove of her grandmothers jewels with her to Sweden, including these amethysts tiara.
- Amethyst Colour
The most important feature to determine the Amethyst value is the colour. The desired colour in an amethyst gemstone is a great reddish purple; a strong and saturated hue, not too dark, not too light.... Brownish and zoning shades are often avoided. The most common amethyst occurs in light violet and deep purple. Additionally, it can occur with a red or blue hue.
The colour of amethyst, once attributed to the presence of manganese, is now known as a result of iron and aluminum impurities, connected to a natural radiation. Without those elements, amethyst would be transparent, a colorless quartz.
Ametrine is a variation of amethyst; the nature bicoloured stones masterwork! That occurs due to iron introducing violet areas to the yellow citrine.
Green quartz is also called green amethyst.
It is the green variation of the mineral quartz and it’s correct nomenclature is Prasiolite.
- Amethyst Clarity and Luster
We can find a substantial number of amethysts eye-clean - the finest quality of these gems - in the market nowadays.
Brazilian amethysts are in general more clear than African ones. However, the saturated colour of the African amethysts makes it more accepted in the jewellery industry.
Amethysts with Inclusions are often used to produce cabochons and beads.
The Amethyst luster - the way the light interacts with it’s surface - is vitreous, resembling glass.
- Amethyst Cut and Shape
You can find amethysts cut in the most diverse shape and styles - traditional and modern ones (fantasy or designing cuts). Traditionally, it was cut in brilliant rounds and oval to maximize the colour. However, nowadays, amethysts have been extensively used in freeform shapes and ornamental carvings. Here, at Gemstones Brazil, we are always investing time and resources to innovate and create innovative gem cutting styles.
- Carat / weight
Amethyst are commonly found in great sizes. Due to this characteristic, the amethyst value per carat, unlike many other gems, doesn't rise exponentially with weight.
Normally, amethysts are not treated. Heat treatment sometimes is applied to enhance the colour and irradiation to transform pale stones in citrines or Praseolites. If you want to know more about stones treatments, please find here a very instructional post I wrote about treatments here.
February’s Birthstone and 6th Wedding Anniversary
Amethyst is the zodiac stone for Pisces and the modern february’s birthstone. The gem is also the anniversary gemstone for 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries.
Amethyst Meaning & Properties
Amethyst is believed to be a calming and cleansing stone which works in the emotional and spiritual levels providing balance, patience and peace. It is recommended for meditation, crystal healing, personal losses and grief. It is generally associated with the third eye and crown chakras.
In ancient times, a great number of powers were attributed to amethysts. It was said to protect crops against tempests and locusts, bring good fortune in war and in the hunt, drive out evil spirits, inspire the intellect and afford protection against snakebite.
The gem is also known to bring prosperity and abundance. Thus, used as beneficial when dealing with legal problems and money issues.
Amethysts should be cleaned with warm water and a mild soap. Ultrasonic cleaners are safe except in case the stone is dyed or treated by fracture filling. Steam cleaning is not recommended.
Be careful with harsh household chemicals - hydrofluoric acid, ammonium fluoride, and alkaline solutions - and extreme exposure to heat - abrupt temperature changes can cause amethyst to fracture.
Amethyst is ranking of 7 on the Mohs scale. It means that amethyst is a durable jewelry gem as long as precautions are followed to prevent scratching. Don’t store the gem with other gemstones in order to avoid scratches on it.
Gemstones Brazil’s amethysts are mined at our own mine and in our neighbours in the north of the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The gems are cut in Minas Gerais and Jaipur, India. Our natural amethysts are mainly loupe clean - please check the clarity information of each gem. We work with both traditional and contemporary designs and cuts, always ensuring a fine and brilliant finish.
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